Friday, November 29, 2013

Deep Peace (or Thanksgiving Thankfulness Blog Pt 2)

A few weeks ago I attended my college homecoming. Not only was it homecoming but it was also my 20 year class reunion AND the 50th anniversary celebration of The University Chorale. As one of my Kappa brothers always said, "The friends you make in college are the friends you'll keep for the rest of your life" and he was correct! So many of the people I'm friends with are college chums and more specifically, fellow University Chorale members.

Even if I had the gift of writing a beautifully elegant description of what my years singing with Chorale meant to me, I don't think one could fully understand it without experiencing it. It wasn't just that I attended my university at the height of Agee's Years of Excellence, but that I happened to walk into an audition for the university mixed chorus the first week of my freshman year. Little did I know that audition would shape my entire college career and would still have such a great effect on me 24 years later.

Once I was chosen to become a part of Chorale, they did just that.....made me a part of it. Something so beyond anything I could have hoped for as a 17 year old. The lessons learned just sitting in rehearsals under Dr. Cobb and performing and touring with 50some of the most talented people created life-long memories that are reinforced each time I've returned for Chorale reunions.

Our fearless and dedicated leader created such a unique bond and experience and for that I will be forever thankful! Thank you, Dr (Cobb) Lippens for allowing me to be a part of something so meaningful. On this day of thanksgiving I'm so thankful that I walked into that audition room all those years ago.

I leave you this evening the way MY Chorale would leave when parting......with a blessing. OUR  blessing to those who were a part of us and to those who had come to listen to us. I wish I had the recording of us singing this at homecoming, but this song is beautiful and the sentiment is heartfelt.

Deep Peace to You!

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