Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Links I Like....and want to share with you all!

I haven't done a link-sharing blog in a loooooong time, so I've decided to write a short post and include a few of my current favorite links.

Justin TV- http://justin.tv

I discovered this channel while looking for a place to watch a free, live-stream of OU games. What a goldmine! In addition to the game, there are a few channels which constantly stream programs and movies I love. The only draw back is there's no set viewing schedule.....where ever the channel is when you log in, is where you start.....and it contines from there. But, it's free, so the "draw back" is in no way a complaint from me! Here are some channels I watch often.

Cartoon Palace-this channel constantly streams feature length cartoons. So far, they've been Disney and Pixar.....and they aren't just old movies....this morning, they've had "Up" in the streaming loop. If you have kids, you'll love this channel!

True Crime- this channel streams shows like Forensic Files and all sorts of documentaries about serical killers, forensic science, etc......

BBT Seasons 1-3i this channel isn't always online, but he streams the first 3 seasons of Big Bang Theory when he is......that show is hysterical!!!! Sheldon is my favorite!

Star Wars, Episodes I-VI- a constant, live-stream of all 6 Star Wars movies. Although I don't care too much for episodes I-III, I still enjoy this channel!

Go check it out and search around........not a disappointment at all!


Christina said...

I've been trying to find a place to catch up on BBT (CBS won't give it to hulu). I love the Sheldon/Penny exchanges. Thanks for sharing!

stargurrl13 said...

I hope they're still available....CBS is constantly trolling the internet to disable content....that's why that channel isn't a constant stream. I hope you can catch it! I would TOTALLY date someone like Sheldon ; )